2025 Buy Michigan Now Festival
Celebrate Buy Michigan Week with us. This event showcases only Michigan-based businesses to help fuel our local economy. It’s an incredible opportunity for local entrepreneurs and consumers to interact directly with one another. Buyers from retail stores also often come through to find new products to carry. Beyond that, the event is filled with uplifting entertainment, educational opportunities, and family fun.
Fri August 1 5PM-9PM
Sat August 2 10AM-8PM
Sun August 3 10AM-4PM
This year’s festival is located on Lafayette and Lake streets in the heart of Downtown South Lyon. The entire area is part of a social district so guests may sip refreshing beverages as they stroll.
Whether your plan is to be a seller or a shopper, together we will revitalize our state’s economy, one product, one purchase, one person at a time.
Thank You Sponsors!
We are deeply appreciative of the sponsors who continued to support our efforts to grow a stronger Michigan economy. For information on becoming a sponsor of the Buy Michigan Now Festival or the campaign, please contact Lisa Diggs via Fest@BuyMichiganNow.com or 248-390-0974.
When you put the word BUY in the title, most people instantly get the message that this fest is a place to spend some money. That makes it a wonderful place to turn a profit OR to shop. Vendors for this festival are selected based on the mission of creating jobs, supporting entrepreneurs, and helping Michigan businesses grow. Unlike many other street fairs and festivals, all of the businesses vending at the Buy Michigan Now Festival must meet one of the following criteria in order to participate:
- Operates entirely in Michigan
- Headquartered in Michigan with additional operations outside the state
- Michigan-owned franchise or affiliate: some fees or revenue paid out of state
- Artist, author, or musician that resides in Michigan
In addition to seeking only Michigan-based businesses, priority consideration is given to companies physically producing unique merchandise within the state, which is why it’s a great place to discover new tastes and products coming out of Michigan.

Music and merriment are staples at BMNFest. Check back closer to the August for our schedule of events. If you are interested in joining the party as an entertainer, email fest@buymichigannow.com with the name of your act, availability Aug 1-3, and a link to a past performance(s).

Shopping is the focus of this event, and we’ve got plenty of it. However, you can also kick back with family and friends and enjoy live performances in different areas. The little ones will love a visit to the Kids Zone where they might find face-painting, balloon-twisting, games, activities, and special surprises.

At BMN, we LOVE mascots, and welcome them at our festival. If your school, team, or Michigan-based business has a mascot, we want to invite them to join us for some special fun at the fest on Friday Aug 1. Email fest@buymichigannow.com and send us a picture of your mascot, along with contact info.

Food is a major highlight of BMNFest. Whether you’re looking to fill your pantry or just your stomach, tasty delights await at vendor booths and South Lyon eateries. You can try then buy at many booths, visit a food truck, or settle in for a sit-down meal.

Showcasing local authors has become an annual tradition at BMNFest with dozens of Michigan authors, signing and selling books. Spread the word, the application for writers interested in participating in 2025 is slated to open on May 15. Eat local, drink local, read local.

As the festival draws nearer, access our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section here for GPS coordinates, parking, hours, dogs, cycling, the campaign, exhibitor setup, and answers to other common queries that will help you make plans.
Become a Volunteer
We couldn’t pull off this vibrant community event without the support of dozens of volunteers. Be an ambassador for your state and join in on the fun. We need people to help vendors check-in and get set; greet guests and answer questions; play with children in the Kids Zone, sell tickets and serve thirst-quenchers in our Michigan Beverage Garden, and more. Small groups are welcome. Students 16 and over may gain community service credits as well as gaining valuable experience.