Members in good standing are entitled to discounted rates offered exclusively through Buy Michigan Now and our partners. Event discounts apply only to standard rates and may not be combined with Early Bird specials or other promotions. The following discount opportunities are currently in effect:

Festival Vendor Discount

Members are entitled to a $50 discount on Vendor booth space at the Buy Michigan Now Festival in South Lyon, Michigan. The annual event takes the first weekend of August. The discount applies to Vendor applications only, not Concessions.

Marketing Discounts

In addition to accessing free Marketing Tools, BMN Members may reduce their operational costs by taking advantage of discounts offered by some of our marketing partners.

Professional Development Discounts

In this fast-paced, ever-changing world, it is important to continuously seek out new skills and deepen existing strengths. That is why BMN partners with educational professionals to connect our Members to affordable professional development opportunities.

Member to Member Discounts

We encourage members to both offer discounts themselves and to take advantage of exclusive discounts offered by fellow members in the campaign. It is an excellent way to increase a customer base and save money.

Submit a Discount Offer

  • Please describe the member to member discount program you would like to offer with any relevant information (e.g. Members will receive 10% off of all online purchases using discount code: BMNfriend)

Other Resources:

Tell us how we can help.
