Credit Unions have a long history of boosting local businesses and supporting their communities. This month, in celebration of International Credit Union Week, many across our state will be at it again in the form of a lunchtime cash mob.

CU Lunch Local will kick off its eighth year of grassroots economic development on October 15, 2019. Through this initiative, each participating credit union along with other industry partners, is asked to make a concerted effort to buy food from a local provider in its community. How they go about doing that will vary. Some plan to treat employees, while others are hosting food trucks on site and serving up free eats to their customers.

Participants are encouraged to have fun, snap pix and share. Look for evidence of the campaign on social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the hashtag #culunchlocal.

“CU Lunch Local isn’t just about giving back to the community,” says Bill Beardsley, President/CEO of Michigan Business Connection, “It’s about demonstrating the positive impact credit unions are dedicated to having on their local economies.”

The initiative, which has spread to more than twenty states, is the brainchild of Southgate-based Infusion Group and the Michigan Business Connection (MBC). To date, companies scheduled to take part include Astera CU, Christian Financial Credit Union, Community Choice, Dort Federal Credit Union, Financial Edge Credit Union, Frankenmuth Credit Union, Great Lakes First Federal, Laketrust, Limestone Federal, Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union, Muskegon Federal, Shore to Shore CFCU, Wanigas Credit Union, and more. If your company would like to participate there is still time. Visit to sign up and hatch a plan.

You don’t have to work for a credit union to make a point of eating local on October 15. If you like this idea, join the cash mob. Let the credit union community know you appreciate their efforts by patronizing a local restaurant and posting a selfie on social media. Don’t forget to use #culunchlocal. Together we can give our independent restaurant community a welcome boost.


Author: Lisa Diggs

Lisa Diggs is a writer, speaker, entrepreneur, business consultant, avid traveler, and founder of The Catalyst Company, LLC, Michigan Positivity Project, and Buy Michigan Now.