Buy Michigan Now is a campaign dedicated to highlighting Michigan-based businesses and positively promoting the state on a local, national, and global level. Financed through paid memberships and corporate sponsorships, this effort is fueled by the passion of dedicated volunteers.

Our Milestones

Buy Michigan Now begins with the launch of a simple website that contains a Grocery Guide, Gift Guide,
and this Pledge: I hereby pledge to play an active role in building a strong, vibrant, and diverse Michigan
economy. I will be a part of the solution by speaking positively about the state, learning about our products
and services, and making a concerted effort to buy from Michigan businesses. I will Think Michigan First!
2008 Over 3,000 people take the pledge to make a concerted effort to learn about and buy Michigan-made
products in just the first year of the campaign. BMN adds a searchable business directory to the website
and showcases Michigan businesses on television for the first time.
Governor Granholm proclaims the first Buy Michigan Week, and BMN throws a weeklong party in Northville
to celebrate. The event began with an opening ceremony and themes for each day. Eventually this would
become the 3-day Buy Michigan Now Festival that takes place annually.
2010 To encourage local spending, a Buy Michigan Now video airs on a loop in over 100 Secretary of State offices
throughout Michigan. It features Detroit area TV personality, Lila Lazarus and BMN Founder, Lisa Diggs
explaining the virtues of the effort.
2011 Social media becomes a big factor in engaging the public. BMN was an early adopter and in 2011
surpasses 25,000 followers through its social media channels.
In an effort to help jumpstart new businesses, BMN launches its first Up & Coming Entrepreneur Contest.
The Grand Prize winner receives a marketing package worth over $1000. The contest continued for years,
with each winning business crediting it for significant sales increases and media exposure.
2013 The Buy Michigan Now app is released in Apple Store and Google Play to help consumers access guides
and event information more readily. For the first time a digital Grocery Guide is available at shoppers’
fingertips while in a store.
2014 Inspired by feedback from students saying they want to stay in Michigan, but doubt the economic climate
will allow for it, the Michigan Positivity Project is started. Keegan-Michael Key, Chad Smith, Judy Greer and
other celebrities from Michigan, join together to encourage positive messaging of Detroit and the state as
a whole, especially geared toward our youth.
BMN partners with American 1 Credit Union to create the Buy Michigan Now Fall Fest in Jackson,
Michigan. The event features family-friendly activities with an autumn theme, as well as vendors
selling Michigan-made products.
The first BMN event in Mid-Michigan takes place in Frankenmuth. In the spirit of Michigan’s Little Bavaria,
it includes book signings from legendary local, Dorothy Zehnder of Bavarian Inn fame, and even some
authentic maypole dancing.
The 10th anniversary year kicks off with a party in Detroit on December 1st, to honor and thank volunteers,
sponsors, and key supporters. The yearlong celebration would continue with press coverage of local products
and the tenth Buy Michigan Now Festival in Northville.
2018 Senator Debbie Stabenow attends the TENTH Buy Michigan Now Festival to present a Certificate of Recognition
on behalf of the United States Congress honoring a decade of promoting MI-based businesses and MI-made
A record number of Michigan authors are showcased online and at BMN events. Writers from both coasts
and both peninsulas are included representing a wide range of genres from children's books to murder
mysteries and self-help to Michigan-centric nonfiction.

An idea born in South Africa

Who would think the inspiration for a “buy local” campaign would come from a whole different hemisphere? Improbable as that may seem, it is exactly how Buy Michigan Now

BMN Founder Lisa Diggs

Speaker, writer, and entrepreneur, Lisa Diggs, is founder of The Catalyst Company LLC, a performance consulting business that specializes in helping organizations become more productive and profitable.  The company

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