
ArtPrize® is remarkably open and collaborative by design. Any space within the ArtPrize district that registers during the Venue Registration period and meets approval requirements is eligible to host one or more ArtPrize Artists and organize its own show. Collectively, these independently organized art shows comprise one of the world's largest art competitions, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors


Last call for entries in Michigan Fine Arts Competition

The Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center (BBAC), a nonprofit community art center serving the Detroit region, is once again hosting the Michigan Fine Arts Competition(MFAC). It has done so annually since 1982, when the Detroit Institute of Arts turned the statewide competition over to the BBAC. Every year, more than 500 artists from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin enter the

Last call for entries in Michigan Fine Arts Competition2022-09-08T16:44:28-04:00
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